My Blog
Almost finished with "Hope of Transformation" December 26, 2016 14:18

Vessels: Moon Vessel November 20, 2016 19:35

Recent Articles
Almost finished with "Hope of Transformation" Posted on 26 Dec 14:18
Vessels: Moon Vessel Posted on 20 Nov 19:35
- All
- 19th-century illustration
- abstract
- abstract expressionism
- abstract paintings
- abstraction
- abstractions
- acorn
- acrylics
- alchemical art
- alkyd
- american easel
- ammonia
- antarctica
- aquapasto
- artist's biography
- artist's statement
- automatism
- baroque
- biomorphism
- blick
- Blockx
- botero
- Bristlon
- bristlon silver brushes
- canvas
- chinese red
- chrysalis
- clenching
- clouds
- coffins
- cold wax
- color blocks
- competitions
- composite paintings
- convenience colors
- corporatists
- crimson lake
- crocus bulb
- crow
- dark art
- dark landscape
- decoration
- demons
- digital art
- Dorland's Wax Medium
- drawings
- dream
- dream structures
- dream-like
- driers
- drybrush
- drying oil paints
- drying oils
- DS new gamboge
- DS watercolor ground
- dusk
- dutch still lifes
- eastern portal
- eggs
- escoda brushes
- eye irritation
- fear of fucking up
- fires of alchemy
- fluid lines
- french terre verte
- fumes
- gac 400
- galleries
- gesso
- gimmicks
- glazing
- gloomy art
- gouache
- gradation
- grainer
- granulation
- green apatite
- hand tremors
- health and art
- homunculus
- hope
- hourglass
- hyperrealism
- immaterial shapes
- impressionism
- industrial buildings
- italian roman black earth
- italian terre verte
- james woods
- jars
- kensett
- kings blue
- landscape
- landscape painting
- landscape paintings
- landscape palette
- landscapes
- lautrec
- lead
- letting images arise
- light
- light dimensional ground
- line in art
- linen
- lines in art
- lissitzky
- lithopone
- loft
- luminism
- m. Graham
- magic
- manganese
- marshes
- mediums
- Michael Harding
- michael harding paints
- milky sea
- mixed media
- molding paste
- moon
- moon art
- moon vessel
- moths
- mugs
- museum of fine art
- Naturalism
- nft art
- nfts
- oil paint
- oil painting
- oiling out
- organic shapes
- painting
- painting size
- painting trees
- panels
- patterns
- perfectionism
- photoshop
- pigment mixtures
- poison toad
- politics
- pompeii red
- poppy oil
- poppy sun oil
- poppyseed oil
- portal series
- post-modern
- prison
- pyrrole red
- QoR
- ready to frame
- ready to hang
- realism
- Realist
- redon
- reference photos
- rembrandt
- representational art
- rocks
- rose moon
- safflower oil paints
- saturn
- scarlet lake
- sea
- sensitization
- series
- siccatif de courtrai
- skies
- solvents
- spare
- spiders
- spirits
- spirituality
- spray varnish
- state painting
- still lifes
- stretching canvas
- strontium yellow
- studies
- studio
- Stylization
- subconscious
- sun
- sunlight
- sunset
- sunset paintings
- supports
- surreal landscape
- surrealism
- Tache
- tad spurgeon
- technique
- texture
- tonalism
- toxicity
- traditional
- traditional landscapes
- transformation
- trees
- trekell
- trompe l'oeil
- turpentine
- ultramarine blue
- ultramarine pigments
- ultramarine pink
- vanitas
- vessel series
- vessels
- vials
- vibration
- walnut oil
- walnut oil alkyd
- water
- watercolor
- watercolor ground
- watercolor landscapes
- watercolors
- whistler
- williamsburg
- williamsburg paints
- winsor orange
- WN Gouache
- wood panels
- work in progress